
Ros - HDSF Charity Operations Manager

Ros is the Charity Director of HDSF and has been with the charity from day 1, when it began life as Herts Sport and Wellbeing Foundation.

In her previous life, Ros was a secondary school teacher – is a qualified teacher with a passion for ensuring every individual can access physical activity in a way that works for them.  She has volunteered in disability sport for decades and has finally found a place where she feels she can make the biggest difference to people with a disability and their families.  She was awarded the British Empire Medal in the Queens birthday honours list in 2017 for services to disability sport and was part of the Paralympic Torch relay in 2012.

Ros is well known throughout Hertfordshire for her commitment to and involvement in disability sport with a ‘can do’ attitude – evidenced by our new activities introduced during lockdown.  She inspires the HDSF Team with her skills and ability to make things happen!

‘The beauty of a small charity is that we can respond to individual needs.  Much of what we deliver now, is because of a challenge a person had, that we have worked through together and made available for many more people.  That freedom to make a difference, in conjunction with such a talented team with a wide range of experience and ideas, is what makes HDSF different!’

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